Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Nun Walks Into the Gym....

Today was a LOOOOOOOOONG day!

It started at 5:15 this morning when I woke up (WAY before the sun, I'd like to add) and headed to meet my friend Tina at the gym. We both hopped on the Arc trainer for 25 minutes for some rocking cardio. I decided that today would be a great day to up the intensity level on the machine and it most definitely kicked my bum. I don't know if most of you know what an Arc trainer is, so let me explain:
The Arc Trainer, in my humble opinion, is an awesome cross-training machine. It combines low impact movements with high caloric bun and helps with endurance. Also, depending upon how you lower or raise the incline of the machine, depends on how intense your hamstrings, glutes and quads are going to work (lowered incline=more work, higher incline=less work which seems odd but is very true for this machine).

Anyway, since I lowered my incline and raised my intensity today, my body was not very happy with me. Tina and I barely made the 25minutes before we decided to hit the weight machines. We always focus on our abs during our strength training (After all, a strong core is super important for running, right?) but I also try to focus on my back, shoulders and arms. We spent about 30 minutes or so going through our weight routine before we decided that we wanted to end with another 10minutes of cardio. So, we hopped on the treadmill and she walked at an incline while I jogged for 8 minutes and sprinted for 2. It was a good workout, but the sprint at the end had me completely drenched in sweat (seriously, I had little rivers running down my arms- it was gross).  See for yourself
Okay, so maybe I don't look that sweaty, but trust me, it wasn't pretty.

Despite my swampy self, it was an awesome work out. She and I even discussed setting up a more organized routine throughout the week for our weight work. Instead of doing 30 minutes of random machines, we are going to do a separate body part each day. So, for example, Monday would abs, Wednesday arms, etc etc. We think that we have a good base right now but that isolating will help so much more.

I was planning on doing an 11 mile run tomorrow morning, but I realized I have to work at 11am. And standing on my feet for 5 hours after doing that long of a run is not my idea of fun. So, I've decided to push my run to Tuesday (the one day next week when I don't have to work). Granted, I will be in rehearsals for my show (which opens next Friday!!!) but I will have plenty more recovery time between Tuesday morning and Tuesday evening. 

Also, I figured I would give everyone a little chuckle and show y'all my costume for the show. It's called Nunsense, and it's a musical (about nuns... go figure). It's hysterical and I'm so honored to be working with such an amazing cast. I can't believe it's almost time to open the show! It's crazy! And believe me, it's going to be hot dancing around in these costumes:
I am the second from the left (holding the maracas).

Are you laughing? I know I am. Me as a nun?! Priceless!
This is what has been keeping me uber busy the past few weeks- trying to memorize lines and lyrics, practice blocking and dance routines, and learn harmonies and solo numbers. See? I wasn't lying before when I said I had been consumed by rehearsals haha I now have photos to prove it! 

One last note: please don't forget to DONATE to my fundraiser for the National Stroke Association HERE! Remember,  every $1 you donate gets you an entry into my awesome give away!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Are there wicking undergarments for nuns? HA!

Great job at the gym. Sooo impressive - especially up and at the gym before sunrise - uggg! Sigh!!!